2019年7月14日 星期日

Freedom of Press



香港的 Freedom of Press 已每況愈下。

‘逆權六月’ - 今年香港‘春夏之交’ 極不尋常。半年過去了, 2019年是香港極為動盪的一年,我們目睹了在中共背後操控,由林鄭傀儡政府執行‘中央’政策的政治大環境之下官民/警察記者之間的關係呈現前所未有的緊張狀態。而這狀態隨著林鄭政權的一意孤行正在持續惡化而不見任何改善。 在過去一個多月幾乎無日無之的大小示威遊行警民衝突當中,前線文字記者,攝影師多次在現場被訓練素質低劣的前線公安二等兵推撞,辱罵,被無故打傷。本港記者報道採訪的自由正在受到很大的威脅和挑戰。


所謂 【報道自由】 ( Freedom of Press ) 在國際社會裡面乃衡量一個國家,社會實際所處狀態的標竿。是判斷一個國家是否真正推行民主憲政的標尺。在每一個所謂‘民主國家’,在其民主憲法底下【報道自由】賦予本國傳媒以最大限度的採訪權以保障人民的‘知情權’。因此採訪自由的寬緊直接影響人民獲得資訊的質量。在民主制度下,這質量是受憲法保護,民主國家也有嚴肅的義務來維護這樣的公民權,即:記者採訪權 ( 報道自由 )。當然獨裁專制不用去理它。在中國大陸,那些什麼【新華社】,【大公】,【文匯】‘記者’本身就從沒有聽說過什麼‘採訪自由’,‘報道自由’,‘採訪權利’等名詞連個概念也沒有。

當傳媒採訪自由受到強權威權衝擊,當傳媒開始自我審查收緊言論,帥選言詞之時,是一個社會走向黑暗,給惡勢力讓路,開綠燈讓那些權貴,警察,打手,流氓以無限自由,肆意妄為為所欲為的時候。【記者】非特權階級,然而在民主國家 ( 只有民主國家 )我們做記者的被賦予了特殊權限,它就是在一定允許之下可以進出白宮橢圓桌辦公室的自由和特權,直接在近距離面對美國大總統拋出使它難堪的提問。【民主】是在這樣的偉大社會環境中,在它千錘百鍊和不斷自我完善中得到了發展。中國的皇帝和它的【一言堂】極權機器,是永遠不會明白的。




廖中仁 ( Liau Chung Ren )
2019, 7.15

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2019年7月9日 星期二

Where do we go from here ?

Last month ( June ), we have seen unprecedented scale of mass rallies in Hong Kong that drew attention of the World. Million upon million of Hong Kong citizens have expressed their distrust against authoritarian henchmen by parading, congregating and, eventually, clashing. IT WAS HISTORICAL.

So, where do we go from here ?

22 years after Hong Kong's 'handover' to authoritarian state of China under a dictatorship, we are now watching with our own eyes, that the so called ONE COUNTRY TWO SYSTEM is crumbling down with a sound of loud gongs, disintegrating into bits and pieces. Chinese Communist have not honored the Treaty that was signed between British Government decades ago when, Chinese dictator Deng Xiao-ping 'promised' to the People of Hong Kong and the World that WE shall have 50 years of 'high degree of autonomy' safeguarded under the BASIC LAW. After only 22 years, the 'promise' which Deng so pompously announced to the World have proven to be a PACK OF LIES, Universal Suffrage is now far beyond our reach as Chinese Communists have schemed a plan to trick us into something else. Hong Kong's high degree of 'autonomy' which is clearly stipulated in the Sino-British Joint Decoration and BASIC LAW is now reduced to a mere egg shell totally ossified . WE, the Hong Kong People have no saying for any Hong Kong affairs no more. The progressive political interference carried out by Chinese Communist is certainly and steadily corroding the very fabric of our society which was built upon solid constitution, sound law system and spirit of democracy under the supervision of British Colonial Government of Hong Kong. WE ARE NOW LOSING WHAT WE USED TO TAKE IT FOR GRANTED AS A HONG KONGER.

Since [Umbrella Revolution ] of 2014, Hong Kong People have displayed great courage by standing against a powerful authoritarian regime, political bullies and thugs, demanding for freedom and democracy. Hong Kongers have demonstrated formidable spirit against a tyrannical government, an EVIL, who are trying to throw us into modern day slavery. Again and again, WE the People of Hong Kong have bellowed out 'NO' to Chinese Communist and Emperor Xi Jin-ping. The World have heard our outcry.

This is a Time which, every Just Nations of the Democratic World should come together in one firm solidarity and enforce political, diplomatic and economical sunction against Chinese Communist Regime who are seeking to enslave every Chinese citizens, including Tibetans and Uygur under their oppressive rule. World, particularly the WEST should and must realize that by implementing impeasement policy with Chinese Authoritarians only serve to please them and strengthen their power, just as Lord Chamberlain signed a 'Peace Treaty' at Munich in 1938 with Nazis Germany failed to prevent Britain and Europe from plunging into dark abyss of War. History therefore clearly tells us that political naiveté have invited a catastrophic circumstance at the end of the impeasement.

WE, the Hong Kong People must let the World know the Evil essence of Chinese Communists, this LIAR-REGIME who never care to honor any contracts of any form or nature. We need to let the World understand very clearly, without mistakes, that CHINESE COMMUNIST REGIME under the disguise of [The People's Republic of China], is a Regime run by millions of political thugs, con-man, and CORRUPTORS. They are nothing more than a group of Gangs who stole our Nation under a legitimate title.

Hong Kong People have awakened, our hearts and eyes are clean and clear, yea, WE SEE THE FACE OF AN EVIL WITHOUT DISTORTION.

Where do we go from here ?  flight, or fight ?

The answer is in the hearts of all People who call Hong Kong, OUR HOME.

Liau Chung Ren ( 廖中仁 )

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2019年7月8日 星期一


Hong Kong Police Chief Superintendent Rupert Dover.

Liau Chung Ren ( 廖中仁 )
2019, 7.8

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【城市無題】- ( 57 )

2019, 7.8

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自1989年 【6.4】事件觸動百萬人示威以後三十年,除了個別小規模示威以外,在九龍舉行如此大型示威乃罕見。‘回歸’以後九龍做為大陸人到港以後的終點站平時被大量來港購物大陸人所佔據嚴重影響了香港原居民的正常生活秩序。這現象誘發了過去五年間多次示威,例如在九龍多個地區舉行‘驅蝗’示威表達不滿。



2019, 7.8

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2019年7月5日 星期五

" This is My Rifle "

" This is my rifle. There are many like it but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life.
I must master it as I must master my life. Without me, my rifle is useless. Without my rifle I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy, who is trying to kill me. I must shoot him before he shoots me. I will. Before God I swear this creed : my rifle and myself are defenders of my country, we are the masters of my enemy, we are the saviors of my life. So be it, until there is no enemy, but peace. Amen "


People won't be seeking for troubles, it is only the OPPRESSORS who bring troubles to the People. Human struggle against Evil, against Authoritarian rule, Tyranny and Slavery shall go on incessantly until THERE IS NO ENEMY, BUT PEACE.

Peace, is not born-given, Peace, cannot be taken for granted without a FIGHT.

Yea, We'll keep on fighting.

Liau Chung Ren
2019, 7.5

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2019年7月2日 星期二

【 7.1 】衝擊立法會事件



筆者昨日下午在政府總部外面採訪了在示威區的動靜,大約逗留了一個多小時以後回家。因為清晨警方在政總外實行清場時發生了小規模衝突也打傷了一些示威者,所以我預料當天晚上在【7.1】大遊行完了之後示威者可能第三次圍堵警察總部。所以我保留精力準備‘迎戰’深夜可能出現的突發事件。不料,我的預料撲了一個空。我到達立法會示威區時從遠處看見示威者正在破壞玻璃牆嘗試擴大缺口,此時群情洶湧,現場氣氛異常。這時候示威者們已經衝入立法會佔據了議事廳。我來遲一步。筆者步入沒有設防,防衛系統宣告無效的政府權力中心,初時有一點感覺‘超現實’。因為在任何國家或都市這種事件非常罕見,我從事新聞攝影三十年從來沒有目睹像昨天那樣的不尋常事件。衝擊立法會事件發生以後在互聯網上已經眾說紛紜,有人說,這是警方在‘擺空城計’,‘誘敵深入’。本人對這樣的假設基本上認為有這樣的可能性但也不排除純屬憑空想像。然而今天在中共全面操控自治區內政的環境之下我們不能排除中共使用什麼樣的伎倆來蠱惑人心。同時在當天下午首先帶頭破壞立法會外面玻璃牆的那些‘示威者’也有可能是‘替人家做事的’, 是一些莫名其妙的人。我們心裡自然有數。 但是無論如何昨日事件木已成舟,事情已經發生了沒有回頭路。昨天的事件,最好沒有發生,因為事件已經給泛民陣營帶來了負面影響。




2019, 7.2