2020年12月31日 星期四

Man of the Year 2020


Man of the Year 2020 - 黎智英 Jimmy Lai



廖中仁 Liau Chung Ren

2020,12.31 陽曆除夕

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2020年圖片回顧 / Year 2020 Hong Kong in Retrospect








Year 2020 is coming to an end. 2020 was an unusual Year, it was a historical Year, a YEAR, that we should all need to remember.

For WORLD, and for Hong Kong, Year 2020 was an Annus Horribilis ( Terrible Year ). A Year which, the PANDEMIC originated in Wuhan China, introduced by new type of Coronavirus have brought unprecedented disaster to the WORLD which, we have never experienced in last 1000 years. The sudden outbreak of Pestilence of the 21st Century, have spread it's virus at the speed of sound, affecting millions of people on the global scale bringing havoc, fear, damage and DEATH to the entire Human World.

As for Hong Kong, Year 2020 was a YEAR which Chinese Communist Regime have single-handedly destroyed the hypocrisy of  [ One Country Two Systems ] with the forced implementation of HONG KONG NATIONAL SECURITY LAW into a former British Colony where citizens were once allowed to live freely under the democratic constitution and rule of law. Hong Kong citizens thus, lost freedom of speech, freedom of press, freedom of expression, freedom of organizing opposition party, and freedom of civil resistance through political rally, and mass demonstrations. These essential foundation of democracy and freedom are destroyed overnight by an Authoritarian Stalinist State that uphold autocracy and suppression of PEOPLE.

As a lone man with limited resources and capability, what I could do had limit, and it is my regret that I was not able to fully cover all important events in Hong Kong in last 365 days. However, it is my wish to display here, with my humility, and to share with you, a partial visual recollections of what had happened in Hong Kong in the Year 2020, the fear, the struggle, frustration, will and resilience of Hong Kong citizens, their SPIRIT to defend this place, where WE call it, 'Our Home'.

Liau Chung Ren

2020, 12.31 New Year's Eve


( 1 )

20200124【庚子年】除夕於黃大仙祠內道士們口戴口罩防止病毒傳染。A Chinese Taoist Monks wearing surgical masks at Wong Tai Shing Temple on Chinese New Year's Eve in order to prevent virus infections.

( 2 )

20200203  本港數千醫護因為特區醫管局辦事不力未能防止【武肺】疫情擴散導致醫療系統承受巨大壓力而進行罷工抗議。Thousands of Hong Kong medical staffs, including doctors and nurses at public hospitals went on strike taking industrial action protesting against HK Hospital Authority's incapability to prevent further spreading of Coronavirus in the City and reducing the burden of medical staffs.

( 3 )

20200207  至二月間【武肺】疫情迅速在本港擴散,市民陷入一片恐慌導致衛生物資匱乏,民眾到超級市場搶購廁紙,消毒液,糧油,罐頭,大米等物資以備疫情進一步惡化。Hoarding of daily necessities such as toilet papers, sanitary goods, can foods and rices have occurred in Hong Kong creating a panic-buy in the City as Wuhan Pneumonia introduced by New Coronavirus quickly spread out in Hong Kong.

( 4 )

20200224  至二月底,【武漢肺炎】已成為全球性瘟疫,極其嚴重地衝擊了全球航空業導致主要航空公司採取措施銳減飛機班次甚至停飛以遏止冠狀病毒擴散全球。By end February, Wuhan Pneumonia have become GLOBAL PANDEMIC with tremendous scale. International airline industries have suffered huge damage caused by impact of Pandemic, forced to reduce, or halt their services in order to prevent Coronavirus from spreading to foreign countries through air travels. ( Photo published on Wall Street Journal ). 

( 5 )

20200524  鑒於2019年香港發生了長達六個月的歷史性街頭抗爭震驚北京獨裁政權,中共為了應付將來的局勢,在毫無民意授權,甚至架空特區政府的情況下獨自進行擬定【香港國安法】法案。此消息傳出以後市民組織了示威行動以示抗議。In light of persisted civil unrest that lasted for 6 months in Hong Kong surprising authoritarian Regime in Beijing, Chinese Communist Party have drafted a HONG KONG NATIONAL SECURITY LAW in a haste, without the consultation of Hong Kong citizens nor even HKSAR government in an desperate attempt to curb Hong Kong citizens' will for RESISTANCE against Beijing Regime. Thousand of Hong Kong citizens took to the street expressing their anger in public protesting drafting of HK National Security Law.

( 6 ) 

20200524  在銅鑼灣參與示威青年被防暴警察逮捕帶走。A young protester is being arrested and taken away by Riot Police during a protest rally in Causeway Bay.

( 7 )

20200526  中共忙著籌備在特區實施【香港國安法】之際,中環中國銀行舊總行大廈顯示屏展示政治標語以震攝香港人。While Chinese Communists are busy drafting HONG KONG NATIONAL SECURITY LAW in Beijing, they were quick to initiate full scale political propaganda in the City by displaying the word : [National Security] on the large screen display mounted atop BANK OF CHINA old headquarter building in Central.

( 8 )

20200630  2020年六月三十日中共全國人大常委會正式通過【中華人民共和國香港特別行政區維護國家安全法】把中國大陸警察制度名正言順地納入所謂‘一國兩制’虛設架構裡面以方便極權更加肆無忌憚地在特區事務上自由發揮其效能,從而為中共的核心利益而服務。圖示同日一名市民於地鐵站裡面經過被塗污的【國家安全法】宣傳海報時拍攝。On June 30th, 2020 CCP's National People's Congress officially passed HONG KONG NATIONAL SECURITY LAW in Beijing, introducing authoritarian police system into former British Colony, bleaching integrity of the Sino-British Joint Declaration and the so-called 'One Country Two Systems'. This movement have given huge convenience for Beijing Authoritarian Regime to exercise freely, their police law in Hong Kong without the fear of restriction of democratic constitution, offering Regime, to exercise maximum power to pluck any political oppositions at their will. The image show a citizen passing through defaced propaganda poster of HK National Security Law displayed inside MTR Station on the day the LAW have passed officially in Beijing.

( 9 )

20200701  一名防暴警察從銅鑼灣天橋上面監視示威民眾的動靜。A Riot Police monitoring protesting citizens through a screen high above from flyover in Causeway Bay on the 23rd Anniversary of 'Handover' on 1st of July.

( 10 )

20200705  【 香港國安法 】通過實施以後中共在香港迫不及待進行的第一件事乃‘禁書’。首先特區政府把有關黃之鋒的著作從公共圖書館下架取走不再租給市民閱讀以塞視聽。After the implemenatioan of HK NATIONAL SECURITY LAW, HKSAR governemt made a swift action by initiating a BOOK BAN at the Public Libraries, taking down books authored by such person as Joshua Wong. Thus, Hong Kong citizens have lost freedom and rights to the information.

( 11 )

20200708hk  中共在六月三十日在北京正式為【香港國安法案】立法之後緊接著在七月八號在本港銅鑼灣一處酒店急忙成立‘維護國家安全公署’擺明架勢直接介入本來在【中英聯合聲明】中給予香港特區以‘高度自治權’的內部事務,以‘國家安全’為名在香港開啟實質性警察特務機構防範香港成為‘推翻’北京獨裁政權的基地。 至此,一張虛偽的【一國兩制】這假政治公約被破壞殆盡。Soon after Beijing have passed the legislature of HK NATIONAL SECURITY LAW, Chinese Communists have inaugurated an office of NATIONAL SECURITY BUREAU in Hong Kong, formerly intervening Hong Kong's internal affairs, introducing China Mainland's POLICE SYSTEM directly into a former British Colony, disintegrating high degree of autonomy once promised in the SINO-BRITISH JOINT DECLARATION. At this point, Hong Kong's so called : ONE COUNTRY TWO SYSTEMS have come to a full-stop.

( 12 )

20200812  中共在香港成功實施【國安法】之後,【壹傳媒】主席,【蘋果日報】老闆黎智英成為中共首先動手迫害的優先對象。中共從今年夏天開始對黎氏多番羅織罪名反覆以不同‘罪名’進行逮捕,扣押,收監百般刁難加以侮辱。中共視黎智英為眼中釘肉中刺,北京獨裁政權高度針對黎氏的政治打壓手段充分暴露出中共一向崇尚的‘順昌逆亡’的中國封建思維,給世界展示了它仍然在21世紀所繼續奉承的斯大林主義。After the legislation of HK NATIONAL SECURITY LAW, Chinese Communist Regime have picked Hong Kong's media tycoon, chairman of NEXT MEDIA ( Next Digital ) and founder of APPLE DAILY, Jimmy Lai as a primary target of persecution. Jimmy Lai, a strong advocate for democracy in Hong Kong, an influential figure of our time, have always been a hateful enemy for Chinese Communist Party. Lai, have been repeatedly arrested, detained and charged with numerous accounts of 'crimes' that HE DID NOT COMMIT. The highly focused political persecution targeted against Jimmy Lai have shown to the World, the political motto which CCP has been embracing,  it's Stalinist's doctrine : "Prosperity for those who obey, Death to those who disobey". 

( 13 )

20201017  香港為人熟悉的‘抗爭者’黃鳳瑤 (綽號:黃婆婆)在中國大陸被關押了14個月之後被釋放回港於【學聯】辦事處召開記者招待會敘述在中國大陸監獄裡面被關押的痛苦經過。Hong Kong's familiar protester, Alexandra Wong ( nicknamed : Auntie Wong ) weeps during a press conference telling her agonizing story of her 14 months of detention in China Mainland's jailhouse. 

( 14 )

20201020  黃之鋒帶領眾人在銅鑼灣鬧市示威呼籲市民關心支持在中國大陸被扣押的12名港人。因干犯‘偷渡罪’被中國大陸公安拘捕押返大陸的12名香港青年的下場成為今年市民關注的政治話題。此事件再次暴露了大陸‘司法’的不透明性和沒有基本人權保障的弊病。Group of pro-democracy activists led by Joshua Wong staged a protest in the city centre at Causeway Bay calling for early releasing of 12 HK YOUTH detained on China Mainland. The detention of 12 Hong Kongers by Chinese police authority yet again exposed Chinese Communist Regime's opaque 'judicial system' under strict autocracy.

( 15 )

20201021  鑒於全球疫情的持續惡化,國泰航空宣佈在全球進行大規模裁員,其人數達到八千多名。其中香港站有五千名男女空中服務員,機師和地勤被裁撤。 持續了將近一年的,由中國【武漢肺炎】引起的全球性瘟疫給國際航空業帶來了前所未見的巨大經濟損失。With Global Pandemic persisted for nearly a year, world's major airline, CATHAY PACIFIC AIRWAYS have announced global lay-offs that count approximately 8,000 employees most of them flight attendants, pilots and grand crews in a desperate attempt to stay afloat. The impact on international aviation industry is huge and it is highly unlikely that the INDUSTRY would ever recover itself from the present dire in a foreseeable future given a condition of PANDEMIC which does not show any sign of dissipation.

( 16 )

20201123  周庭在西九龍裁判署。【香港國安法】的立法和實施,給中共當局以殺威棒。對本港國際著名青年政治活動家,抗爭者,例如:黃之鋒,周庭,黎智英等人的反覆不斷的針對性騷擾以及處心積慮的政治打壓露骨地反映了中共當局在香港決心要澈底摧毀【一國兩制】國際公約,把中共警察特務制度強加於數百萬香港人的野心和政治圖謀。Hong Kong's prominent political activist Agnes Chow appearing in Courthouse. The implementation of HONG KONG NATIONAL SECURITY LAW have handed a sharp tool for Beijing Rogue Regime. Persistent harassment and political pressure exerted upon prominent political activists such as, typically, Joshua Wong, Agnes Chow and Jimmy Lai have fully exposed malicious nature of a Chinese Authoritarian Regime, it's ambition to enforce Gestapo System into a former free civic society and crash Hong Kongers under their oppressive totalitarian rule.

( 17 ) 20201123  黃之鋒在西九龍裁判署。 【國安法】的實施為中共加強在香港推行警察統治打下了基礎。在過去一年,因【國安法】生效,立法會反對派議員不斷被特區當局褫奪參政資格,對其騷擾,逮捕,無日無之地承受著精神肉體上的折磨。對著著名民運份子中共更是加一把勁地迫害。民主派議員許智峯,著名命運份子羅冠聰先後離開香港流亡海外躲避政治迫害。今天的香港在一剎那間由昔日人們安居樂業謳歌和平安定享受人權自由的亞洲都會,轉變成為五步一崗十步一哨,滿街特務警察的恐怖城市。 我們港人長期珍惜的價值被嚴重腐蝕,【國安法】這把懸在我們每一個港人的殺人刀,隨時為中共這劊子手拿來殺人。



Implementation of NATIONAL SECURITY LAW have strengthened Chinese Communist Party's execution power and laid firm foundation for promoting POLICE RULE in Hong Kong. This Year because of the materialization of NATIONAL SECURITY LAW, opposition lawmakers in Legislative Council are disqualified from participating in parliamentarian politic, they are subject to incessant harassment, political arrests, baring mental and physical tortures from day to day. Particularly, Chinese Communist Party specifically aimed at prominent democratic activists and strengthened their political pressure in a hope to bring mental tortures. Hong Kong have transformed into a horrible POLICE STATE in overnight, a proud City that once shared freedom and democracy, human rights, peace and prosperity.The VALUE which we the Hong Kongers once cherished, are seriously corroded by Chinese totalitarian regime. The sharp sword named HK NATIONAL SECURITY LAW that hangs above our heads, will be used by Butchers of Beijing to execute their 'legal murder' arbitrary in the former British Colony.

We are living under an unprecedented DARK TIME. We need to be strong so that we could all hope that one day the JUSTICE will fall upon a Human World and vanquish Satan, and happiness shall be restored.

Future is dim and dark, yet I believe that we will be able to see the COMING OF THAT DAY.

Liau Chung Ren

Year End, Dec-31, 2020

2020年12月29日 星期二

【人在瘟疫蔓延時】MEMENTO MORI ( 150 )







廖中仁 Liau Chung Ren


Instagram@bluuren / @citywithoutatitle

* 圖:在聖誕節禮拜日一位女士在關閉的聖約翰教堂大門外靜立默禱。

【人在瘟疫蔓延時】MEMENTO MORI ( 149 )


廖中仁 Liau Chung Ren


Instagram@bluuren / @citywithoutatitle

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Social Distancing.

廖中仁 Liau Chung Ren


Instagram@bluuren / @citywithoutatitle 

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【 菜鳥日記】( 7 )


廖中仁 Liau Chung Ren

2020, 12.29

Instagram@bluuren / @citywithouatitle

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2020年12月19日 星期六

【人在瘟疫蔓延時】MEMENTO MORI ( 144 )


廖中仁  Liau Chung Ren

2020, 12.20

Instagram@bluuren / @citywithoutatitle

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【 人在瘟疫蔓延時】MEMENTO MORI ( 143 )


廖中仁  Liau Chung Ren


Instagram@bluuren / @citywithoutatitle

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【人在瘟疫蔓延時】MEMENTO MORI ( 142 )


廖中仁  Liau Chung Ren

2020, 12.20

Instagram@bluuren / @citywithoutatitle

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【人在瘟疫蔓延時】MEMENTO MORI ( 141 )


廖中仁  Liau Chung Ren

2020, 12.20

Instagram@bluuren / @citywithoutatitle

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【人在瘟疫蔓延時】MEMENTO MORI ( 140 )


廖中仁  Liau Chung Ren

2020, 12.20

Instagram@bluuren / @citywithoutatitle

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【人在瘟疫蔓延時】MEMENTO MORI ( 139 )


廖中仁 Liau Chung Ren


Instagram@bluuren / @citywithoutatitle 

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【人在瘟疫蔓延時】MEMENTO MORI ( 138 )


廖中仁  Liau Chung Ren

2020, 12.20

Instagram@bluuren / @citywithoutatitle

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2020年12月18日 星期五

2020年12月17日 星期四

2020年12月16日 星期三





廖中仁  Liau Chung Ren


Instagram@bluuren / @topnewsfiles_lcr

* 圖片:mobile upload

【 城市無題 】City Without a Title ( 121 )


廖中仁  Liau Chung Ren

2020, 12.17

Instagram@bluuren / @topnewsfiles_lcr

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2020年11月29日 星期日

Filipina in HK /Jane 2020


Liau Chung Ren  廖中仁 

2020, 11.30



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2020年11月26日 星期四

Filipina in HK / Vanessa 2020

Photographed in Central on Sunday.

廖中仁 Liau Chung Ren

2020, 11.26

Instagram@bluuren / @frame25_ren 

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【 城市無題 】City Without a Title ( 120 )


廖中仁  Liau Chung Ren

2020, 11.27


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Filipina in HK / Zelo 2020


Photographed in Central on Sunday.

Liau Chung Ren 廖中仁 


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2020年11月23日 星期一

2020年11月9日 星期一

【 城市無題 】City Without a Title ( 120 )

廖中仁  Liau Chung Ren

2020, 11.9


* tap open image 



No Country for Old Man


廖中仁 Liau Chung Ren

2020, 11.9

* 圖片:互聯網截圖 / 非本文作者

Filipina in HK / Grace 2020

Liau Chung Ren  廖中仁  

2020, 11.9

Instagram@bluuren / @frame25_ren 

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2020年10月28日 星期三

Filipina in HK / Alma 2020


Photographed in Central on Sunday.

Liau Chung Ren 廖中仁

2020, 10.29


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