2022年6月6日 星期一

In the Defaced City


In the defaced City that I don't recognize any more, I'm taking photographs of the uniformed faces, a mechanics that are programmed to serve authoritarian machinery, MEN are instructed to carry out duty of a DOG. In the humidity of Month of June, I am taking pictures of a human-like objects that are told to guard the City for the Masters who hire them with good money. 

No civil disobedience, no rallies and no protests of any kind. Newspapers, TV, Radios are silenced, a busy commercial City without a SOUND, without a VOICE and without a WORD. A City that boast ' nothing had changed ' prosecute a lone person who mourn for the DEAD standing on the dark street corner, policemen detain a citizen only because he is carrying a FLOWER. This is OUR CITY under bright promise for the future and guarantee for ever-lasting prosperity.

In the defaced City that I don't recognize any more, I am taking photographs of the OPPRESSORS, a Terminators who are programmed to carry out their duties without shread of remorse or hesitation. 

There was once a FREE CITY...

City's name was called : HONG KONG.

Liau Chung Ren

June-6, 2022

Instagram@frame25_ren / @bluuren

Photograph / Evelyn 

* tap open image 

